
Exhibitions – Lectures

  • All buildings are beautiful – art in architecture, Mechelen, Thomas More, Winterieur, lecture
  • As Found, Vienna, TU Wien, lecture as part of exhibition
  • Architektur im Kontext, Münster, LWL Baukultur, lecture and debate
  • Belgian Projects EU Mies Awards 2024, Brussels, KU Leuven, lecture and exhibiton launch
  • Pompidou with Erik Wieërs, Klara, radio talk
  • Schärenmoosstrasse Competition Entries, Zurich, group exhibition
  • Adaptibility, Brussels, Architecture Prize 2023, debate
  • As Found, Antwerp, Flanders Architecture Institute, group exhibition
  • Flanders Architectural Review with William Mann and Xaveer De Geyter, Venice, 18th Architecture Biennale, talk
2022 2021 2020
  • Atelier KANAL, KANAL Brussels, exhibition
  • Dear Marie José – Hommage to Marie José van Hee, Ghent, Archipel, lecture
  • Schauspielhaus Zürich – Zukunftsperspektiven für einen Erinneringsort, Zurich, Villa Tobler, lecture
  • Plaats / Place, Ypres, Flanders Fields Museum, Philippe Viérin on reconstruction architecture, October 2020, exhibition
  • Alternative Histories, CIVA Brussels, Cork Street London, Drawing Matter and Architecture Foundation, traveling exhibition and lecture
  • Kanal: a stage for Brussels, KANAL Brussels, Archipel, lecture
  • Architects at Play, Brussels, CIVA, group exhibition
  • Bruxelles: La capitale officieuse de l’Europe, Arte, An Fonteyne, tv program
  • On Kanal, Prague, Kruh, Czech Republic, series Architecture from Flanders, lecture
  • Epistolary Talk, Zagreb, Croatia, The Hidden School, European Association for Architectural Education, lecture
  • Kanal-Centre Pompidou, Muttenz, Switzerland, FHNW, series Umbauten, lecture
  • 7 Questions, ETH Zurich, studio Jan De Vylder, Universum Carrousel Journey, lecture
  • Affinity, An Fonteyne, Alexandre Theriot and Philip Ursprung, ETH Zurich, IEA Ringvorlesung, lecture
  • Kanal Brussels, Brussels, Kanal Brut, An Fonteyne and Chris Dercon – Art Club Luzern, conversation
  • Encounters#1, Brussels, Kanal Brut, Performatik, debate
  • Urban Commons: Exploring the Collective Architectural Resources of the City, ETH Zurich, Chair Tom Avermaete, colloquium
  • Sofa Talk, Brussels, Kanal Brut, KU Leuven, seminar Architecture & Activism, lecture
  • noAarchitecten: Portrait of An Fonteyne, FEMICITY, video series, 15.12.2019
  • Weiter-Bauen Weiter-Denken, Luzern, architektursymposium + lecture
  • Serendipity, An Fonteyne, Roger Boltshauser and Axel Simon, ETH Zurich, IEA Ringvorlesung, lecture
  • Permanence and change, An Fonteyne, Annette Spiro and Anna Viebrock, ETH Zurich, IEA Ringvorlesung, lecture
  • Ambiguity / Discovering Significance, ETH Zurich, inauguration lecture An Fonteyne
  • European Citizenship, Brussels, ECIT Foundation, participation ETH students at Summer University
  • An architecture for Europe, Brussels, Bozar, European Lab Brussels, lecture and debate
  • Brexit and the Cultural and Creative Industries, Brussels, Bozar + British Council, discussion
  • Resilience, TU Berlin, architecture conference
  • Atelier Kanal, work in progress, Brussels, Kanal Brut, exhibition
  • Kanal-Centre Pompidou, Brussels, Kanal Brut, group exhibition
  • Es ist kein architektonisches, sondern ein politisches Versäumnis, dass sich Subkulturen entwickelt haben., NZZ, Antje Stahl, 05.09.2018, interview An Fonteyne
  • Verloren Ontwerpen, Hasselt, Z33, Architectuur Huiskamer, group exhibition
  • Recent Work, Hochschule Bochum, lecture
  • Rendez-vous, Antwerp, deSingel, Flanders Architecture Academy, lecture and debate
  • Herbestemming: een antwoord op duurzame ruimtelijke ambities?, STUK Leuven, Inspiratieweek Meesterproef Erfgoed en Herbestemming, presentation and debate
  • Recent Work, Brussels, UCL, lecture
  • Architekturpositionen, TU Braunschweig, lecture
  • Stand der Dinge, ETH Zurich, IEA Ringvorlesung, lecture
  • Exactitude, Hochschule München, series Here and There, lecture
  • Architecture and Design, ETH Zurich, lecture
  • After Nature, ETH Zurich, colloquium Architecture & Design, architecture conference
  • Exactitude, Leeds Beckett University, series Inside Out, lecture
  • EUtopia, Possibility of an island, Leuven, Museum M, curated by Joeri De Bruyn and Ward Verbakel, group exhibition
  • What’s Up? Junge Architektur aus Flandern und Österreich, Vienna, Austria, Architekturzentrum Wien, lecture
  • Kunst des Alltäglichen, Gründer – Durchbruch – Aufbruch, Cologne, Germany, KAP Forum, lecture
  • Maatwerk Massarbeit. Custom Made Architecture from Flanders and the Netherlands., Frankfurt am Main, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, group exhibition
  • Economy of Form, Düsseldorf, Peter Behrens School of Architecture, lecture
  • Recent Work, Biel, Architektur Forum, lecture
  • L’Angle, ULB, La Cambre, lecture
  • Prize for Architecture West Flanders, exhibition
  • Encounters, TUDelft + TUBerlin, lecture and symposium
  • Redesignation, KULeuven, lecture
  • Healthy Schools, UHasselt, lecture
  • Heritage, Archipel, debate
  • On Ambiguity, TUDelft, lecture
  • Stephen Bates, Brussels, Bozar, introduction to lecture Stephan Bates
  • City Campus Hasselt University, Hasselt, European Association for Architectural Education, lecture
  • On Ambiguity, Trier, Germany, Hochschule fur Architektur, lecture
  • Normalité, ULB, La Cambre, lecture
  • 30 years architecture in Flanders: The wonder years in models, Knokke, FAi, exhibition
  • De Wonderjaren volgens An Fonteyne, Dertig jaar architectuur in Vlaanderen, VAi, exhibition interview, 30.10.2015
  • Ontmoetingen / Encounters, Antwerp, deSingel, FAi, solo exhibition
  • Ontmoetingen: noAarchitecten, exhibition interview, 26.09.2014
  • DWB 2014 5: 50 fictieve gebouwen, curated by Christophe Van Gerrewey, exhibition
  • Encounters, TUDelft, lecture
  • Identity, Nocturne Febelcem, lecture and workshop
  • The (co)thinking architect, Congress Kortrijk Interior, lecture
  • Night of the Architecture – Bouwmeesterdebate, Antwerp, deSingel, lecture
  • Recent Work, TU München, Studio Krucker Bates, lecture
  • Redesignation, Artesis Hogeschool, lecture
  • Young Belgian architecture, Marseille, XX MODELS, exhibition
  • Building along, Hasselt, PHLdA, guest lecture
  • Over aandacht / On attention, Amsterdam, Arcam, De Brakke Grond, lecture
  • Young Belgian architecture, Shenzen (China), XX MODELS, exhibition
  • En Détail, UCL, Tournai, lecture
  • Gebäudelehre, Wuppertal, symposium
  • Architectuursalon jaarboek 10, Cologne, lecture
  • Duurzaam Bouwen, Westerlo, Kamp C, lecture
  • Young Belgian architecture, Brussels, Bozar, XX MODELS, publication and exhibition
  • Encounters. noAa, Benoît van Innis, Jan Florizoone, Archipel, lecture
  • Architecture Award 2011 province Vlaams Brabant, Aarschot,‘s Hertogenmolens, exhibition
  • Four Annual Architecture Award 2011 province West Flanders, Menen, Town Hall, exhibition
  • Lecture On Nothing, Ghent, Archipel, PechaKucha Vol.11, lecture
  • Catastrophe, Bruges, Dag van de Architectuur, lecture
  • Recent Work, Rotterdam, Berlage Instituut, lecture and workshop
  • PechaKucha, Ghent, Archipel
  • Recent Work, Antwerp, Artesis Hogeschool, Archistenforum, lecture
  • Materialisé, Tournai, Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculté Loci, lecture
  • Dear Marcel Smets, Farewell Vlaams Bouwmeester Marcel Smets, Antwerp, speech
  • Reconstruction, Ypres, Vai Workshop, lecture
  • Fragile, Brussels, Sint Lucas Architecture, lecture and discussion
  • Work, Brussels, Young Belgian + Spanish Architects International Symposium 2010, Ministerio de Vivienda, Gobierno de Espana, lecture
  • Architectuur en fotografie: publicaties, Ghent, UGent, seminar + lecture
  • Four Flemish Architects, London, Metropolitan University, lecture series + exhibition
  • Living apart together – On juvenile detention, Ghent, UGent
  • Recent Work, Ghent, UGent, guest lecture
  • NICHE Young Belgian Architecture, Brussels, Bozar, 150/15kv Petrol Antwerp, lecture and exhibition
  • Recent Work, Hasselt, Z33, lecture
  • Het Gekwetste Gewest, Bruges, VAi, lecture
  • Recent Work, Brussels, De Warande, lecture
  • 11th Architecture Biennale:/projects/138/037-11th-architecture-biennale-venice”, Venice, contribution
  • 35m3, Antwerp, deSingel, exhibition
  • Town Hall, Menen, Cel Onroerend Erfgoed – International Council on Monuments and Sites, lecture
  • Recent Work, Ghent, Sint-Lucas Architecture, lecture
  • Horses, Leuven, STUK, lecture
  • Farewell Vlaams Bouwmeester Bob Van Reeth, Ostend, lecture
  • Heaven, Antwerp, Vereniging voor Technische Diensthoofden in de Verzorgingsinstellingen, lecture
  • Heritage, Ghent, Vlaams Bouwmeester, seminar – lecture
  • Perisfeer, Deurne, invitation workshop Renaat Braem
  • Boring, Antwerp, Henri van de Velde Instituut, Archistenforum, lecture
  • Recent Work, Bruges, Archipel, lecture
  • Recent Work, Leuven, KULeuven, guest lecture
  • The Place, Bruges, Simon Stevin Vlaams Vestingbouwkundig Centrum, guest lecture
  • De Refter – La Belgique, c’est fantastique, Ghent, UGent, lecture
  • Jonge architecten in Vlaanderen, Antwerp, deSingel, exhibition

Awards – Nominations

  • Het Steen, Antwerp
    EU Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024, shortlist
  • Het Steen, Antwerp
    EU Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024, nomination
  • Het Steen, Antwerp
    Brussels Architecture Prize 2023 in category Extra Muros, nomination
  • Het Steen, Antwerp
    Heritage Prize 2022, laureate
  • Klöpperhaus, Hamburg
    Invited Architecture Competition, first
2021 2020 2019
  • Steam Plant, Aalst
    Invited Architecture Competition, first
  • Citygate II / Petite Île, Brussels
    i.c.w. AHA – EB + Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten + Sergison Bates architects
    Architecture Competition, first
  • KANAL Centre Pompidou, Brussels
    Atelier Kanal i.c.w. Sergison Bates architects + EM2N
    Architecture Competition, first
2017 2016 2015
  • Tour & Taxis zone M, Brussels
    i.c.w. awg architecten + Sergison Bates architects
    Architecture Competition, first
  • Museum Texture, Kortrijk
    Belgian Prize for Architecture 2015, nomination
  • Town Hall, Lo-Reninge
    selected for exhibition Architecture Award Province West Flanders
  • City Campus University, Hasselt
    European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2015, nomination
  • Re-use of churches, West Flanders
    i.c.w. De Smet Vermeulen
    Architecture Competition, first
  • Town Hall, Lo-Reninge
    Belgian Award for Architecture & Energy 2013, nomination
  • Town Hall, Lo-Reninge
    ARC13 Award by Dutch magazine De Architect, nomination
  • Kaai 37, Antwerp
    Architecture Competition, first
  • Emmaus, Mechelen
    Architecture Competition, first
  • ‘s Hertogenmolens, Aarschot
    Award Flemish Government Architect 2011, laureate in category Heritage
  • ‘s Hertogenmolens, Aarschot
    European Union prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra awards 2011, laureate in category Conservation
  • Town Hall, Menen
    Four Annual Provincial Architecture Award 2011 province West Flanders, laureate
  • Town Hall, Menen
    Premie Orde van Architecten 2011
  • Town Hall, Menen
    Belgian Award for Architecture 2010 Renovation Prize, laureate
  • Town Hall, Menen
    Belgian Award for Architecture 2009, nomination
  • Town Hall, Menen
    Mies van der Rohe Award 2009, nomination
  • Town Hall, Menen
    Award Vlaams Bouwmeester 2009 Redesignation / Art Integration, nomination
  • Town Hall, Lo-Reninge
    Architecture Competition, first
2008 2007 2004 2003
  • Reconstruction of the axis Watertower Willebroek – Station
    i.c.w. architects Gert Somers + Jonas Lindekens
    Architecture Competition, second
2002 2001
  • Town Hall, Kortrijk
    Architecture Competition, first
  • Residences Nieuwe Molens, Bruges
    Architecture Competition, second
  • Vetex Site, Kortrijk
    Architecture Competition, shared first
  • Cultural Centre, Merelbeke
    Architecture Competition, second
  • Extension Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig (Germany)


2024 2023
  • An Fonteyne: Chambre d’Amis as part of Carrousel Confusions, ETH Studio Jan De Vylder, January 2023
  • Het Steen in As Found: Experiments in Preservation / FAi by Bie Plevoets , September 2023
  • Het Steen, ‘The discreet charm of ambiguity’ in Casabella 943 by Nicola Braghieri, March 2023
  • Het Steen in A+305 Brussels Architecture Prize, December 2023
  • KANAL: THINKING #1 in the triptych THINKING MAKING SHARING, Atelier Kanal, July 2022
  • Het Steen in A+294 Back to Brick, A+ Architecture in Belgium, March 2022
  • Het Steen, ‘Fassadencollage schreibt Stadtgeschichte weiter’ in Fassade Architektur, September 2022
  • Kanal-Centre Pompidou and Texture Museum in Belgická inspirace: progresivní vlámská architektura, Kruh, Prague
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
  • ETH belgisch: Fonteyne, Delbeke, de Vylder’ in Hochparterre by Axel Simon, September 2017
  • Ecotron UHasselt, ‘Spitstechnologie verdwijnt in het landschap’ by Jeroen Schreurs in info steel 49
2016 2015 2014 2013
  • City Campus UHasselt in deArchitect by Eva Storgaard, February 2013
  • ‘Maximum effort with minimum result’ in Archined by Willemien van Duijn, 29 April 2013
  • ‘Schriftvervalsing. Over herinneren en vergeten’, article by An Fonteyne in Forum 05, Werken aan andermans werk/AetA, Amsterdam
  • Town Hall Lo-Reninge .noAarchitecten’ in deArchitect by Dominique Pieters, ARC 13 Awards, November 2013
  • ‘s Hertogenmolens Aarschot in Radical Commonplaces, Flanders Architecture Review N°10 / FAi
  • ‘Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten in Vlaanderen. Een eigenzinnige praktijk in Europees perspectief’ by Els Vervloesem, Bruno De Meulder, André Loeckx, ASP
  • XX Models Young Belgian Architecture, A+editions / Bozar Books
  • City Campus UHasselt, ‘Prison education’ in Flanders Today by Andy Furniere, Octobre 2012
  • City Campus UHasselt, ‘Echo’s uit het verleden’ in A+239 by Jürgen Vandewalle
  • Town Hall Menen in Prize for Architecture in West-Flanders 2011, exhibition catalogue
  • Petrol Antwerp in deArchitect by Haike Apelt, March 2011
  • ‘Vormvisie’ in deArchitect by Eva Storgaard, March 2011
  • ‘s Hertogenmolens Aarschot in deArchitect by Merel Pit, Decembre 2011
  • ‘De Feniks van de ‘s Hertogenmolens by Pieter T’Jonck in Prijs voor Architectuur Provincie Vlaams-Brabant 2011, catalogue
  • ‘Mysterious Monument: 150/15kV Petrol Antwerp’ in Building In Concrete by Martin Tschanz
  • ‘Belgian architects and their house’ by Muriel Verbist and Diane Hendrikx, Luster
  • ‘Belgian Award for Architecture & Energy’ in Renoscripto
2009 2008
  • Town Hall Menen in Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 2006-2007 / VAi by Mechthild Stuhlmacher
  • Town Hall Kortrijk in De Standaard Architectuurbibliotheek Deel 1 Hedendaagse Architectuur by Stefan Devoldere
  • Town Hall Kortrijk and Shipyards Baasrode in The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture
  • ‘Chirurgische ingreep. Stadhuis Menen door noAarchitecten’ in deArchitect by Marc Dubois, May 2008
  • ‘Biennale di Venezia 2008 – Context als kritische massa: van 35m3 tot 1907m3’ in A+213 by Moritz Küng
  • ‘Context as critical mass: From 35m3 to 1907m3’ in A+1907 After the party – Hors serie/la Biennale di Venezia by Moritz Küng
  • Police station Liedekerke in New Belgian Architecture 4
2007 2006 2005
  • Menen – Stadhuis in Een bouwmeester bouwt niet, 1999-2005, Vlaams Bouwmeester
  • ‘Ruwe Openheid’ in deArchitect by Dominique Pieters, March 2005
  • Atelierwoning Oostende and Stadhuis Kortrijk in Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 2002-2003 / VAi
  • ‘Binnenstebuiten: stedelijke paradigma’s in publieke architectuur’ in Achtergrond 02 by Stefan Devoldere, VAi
  • ‘Midden de mensen’ in A+188 by Stefan Devoldere
  • ‘Belgitudes. 05 noA in Kortrijk’ in Frame 39 by Caroline Goossens, July/August 2004
  • Kitchen for Restaurant De Karmeliet in A+U no.393, July 2003
  • Kitchen for Restaurant De Karmeliet and Meulestede Noord Ghent in Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 2000-2001 / VAi
  • ‘Jonge architecten in Vlaanderen’, exhibition catalogue, De Singel Internationale Kunstencampus, Antwerp
  • Cultureel Centrum Merelbeke in A+171